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Automated handling of Amazon Music file MD5 inconsistency issue

When you obtain audio files from Amazon Music through certain special channels, you will find that the Hi-Res FLAC files have a different md5 compared to versions sold on other platforms, this is because of the presence of empty samples at the beginning. Therefore, simply removing the empty samples can achieve "Bit Perfect". Hence, this script is written to automate the processing of files with incorrect md5.

# This code is distributed under the Apache 2.0 License.
# author: nptr
$files = Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Filter *.flac | Select-Object FullName, BaseName
$files | ForEach-Object {
    $fullName = $_.FullName
    $fileName = $_.BaseName
    Write-Host Processing $fileName
    $flag = metaflac --show-tag=BP $fullName
    $res = metaflac --show-sample-rate $fullName
    $skip = 0
    switch ($res) {
        44100 { $skip = 286 }
        48000 { $skip = 312 }
        96000 { $skip = 624 }
        192000 { $skip = 1248 }
        Default { $skip = 0 }
    if ($flag -ne "BP=1") {
        Write-Host SampleRate: $($res / 1000)kHz, skip $skip
        if ($skip -ne 0) {
            flac -8 --skip=$skip -f $fullName
            metaflac --set-tag=BP=1 $fullName
    else {
        Write-Host Skipping $fileName

PowerShell7 and metaflac are used in this script, and I believe that you, being clever, can solve these two issues.

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