
Being towards death

Heed not to the tree-rustling and leaf-lashing rain, Why not stroll along, whistle and sing under its rein. Lighter and better suited than horses are straw sandals and a bamboo staff, Who's afraid? A palm-leaf plaited cape provides enough to misty weather in life sustain. A thorny spring breeze sobers up the spirit, I feel a slight chill, The setting sun over the mountain offers greetings still. Looking back over the bleak passage survived, The return in time Shall not be affected by windswept rain or shine.

Fixed CF vless node Preferred ProxyIP


  1. What is CDN IP:
    1. CDN IP is similar to the IP address of a node server, used for bypassing restrictions to access websites like YouTube. It is filled in the address field of v2ray.
  2. What is reverse proxy IP:
    1. Even if you can bypass restrictions using a cf vless node, some websites may still be inaccessible. In this case, you need to use a reverse proxy IP, which is filled in the code deployed on the cf website.
  3. What is preferred IP:
    1. Not all CDN IPs and reverse proxy IPs can be used. These two IPs need to be tested for speed, and the ones with low latency are preferred IPs.
  4. Relationship between domain names and IPs:
    1. Domain names can be understood as a collection of multiple IPs.

Speed testing software:

Method 1:#

First, optimize the reverse proxy IP#

  1. Download the latest IP from the Telegram channel Telegram: Contact @cf_push
  2. Paste the downloaded IP into the "merge and deduplicate" folder, double-click to merge and generate "all1.txt"; then double-click to deduplicate and generate "all.txt" file.
  3. Copy the IPs in "all.txt" and paste them into the website to batch test which region these IPs belong to (this may take some time, please be patient).
  4. After testing, download the result as a spreadsheet file. Select an IP from a specific region, and it is recommended to choose a city in the United States.
  5. Copy all the IPs from this region and paste them into the "cs.txt" file in the "CloudflareST_windows_amd64" folder.
  6. Disconnect the proxy, double-click the "local speed test.bat" file, and you will get a "result.csv" file, which contains the reverse proxy IPs.
  7. Copy one reverse proxy IP and paste it into the "proxyIP" field in the Cloudflare node.

Reverse proxy IP optimization is successful, now optimize the CDN IP#

  1. Copy the following command, where the country and city should be the same as the previous reverse proxy IP, and the port should be the port of your deployed node.

     server=="cloudflare" && port=="8080" && header="Forbidden" && country=="US"
  2. Go to this website, paste the command, select the nodes from the past month, and download. You will get another spreadsheet file.


  1. Paste the nodes from the spreadsheet into the "cs.txt" file in the "CloudflareST_windows_amd64" folder.
  2. Disconnect the proxy, double-click the "local speed test.bat" file, and you will get a "result.csv" file, which contains the CDN IPs from the same region.
  3. Paste the CDN IPs into proxy software like v2ray.
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