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Cisco 2700-3700 Series Wireless AP Fat Mode Autonomous and CLI Configuration


  1. Software
    Download putty or other telnet clients, tftpd64.464, FAT mode Autonomous firmware, available at official website, or see cloud storage.
  2. Hardware
    POE switch or 48v power supply, network cable, computer.


  1. Change computer address to, subnet, disable wireless network card, connect network cable to POE switch.
  2. Rename the downloaded IOS file to ap3g2-k9w7-tar.default and place it in the TFTP directory.
  3. Open TFTP software, set the firmware directory and timeout to 30s in settings.
  4. Press and hold the AP MODE button, connect the network cable to the port and POE switch, until the AP light turns red and stops flashing (about 30s), wait for the TFTP software to display the successful transfer interface, release the mode button, the green light will flash during transfer, transfer is slow (~15min), wait patiently for the automatic reboot a few times until the AP light is solid green.



Change Password and Enable Web UI#

  1. By default, web login is not enabled. First, log in via telnet using the IP obtained from DHCP (can be viewed on the router interface, default hostname is AP), username and password are Cisco / Cisco.
    You need to change the default password before enabling HTTP.

configure terminal

enable secret dxxxxxxx7


configure terminal

ip http server 


write memory

CLI Configuration for Wireless#

There are many bugs in the web UI, it is recommended to configure using CLI.


configure terminal

dot11 ssid MyWiFi_2.4G   # 2.4g wireless ssid

authentication open

authentication key-management wpa version 2

wpa-psk ascii MySecretKey2025   # Wireless password



dot11 ssid MyWiFi_5G    # 5g wireless ssid

authentication open

authentication key-management wpa version 2

wpa-psk ascii MySecretKey2025  # Wireless password



interface Dot11Radio0

encryption mode ciphers aes-ccm

ssid MyWiFi_2.4G

no shutdown


interface Dot11Radio1

encryption mode ciphers aes-ccm

ssid MyWiFi_5G

no shutdown


write memory

Check the status:

show interfaces Dot11Radio1

show interfaces Dot11Radio0

Check connected clients:

show dot11 associations

Interface: 2.4GHz uses Dot11Radio0, 5GHz uses Dot11Radio1.

You can set the 5G frequency to 80MHz to increase bandwidth.

configure terminal
interface Dot11Radio1
channel width 80
write memory
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