

The underlying logic of short video operation

After making a video seriously, I found that the views were only 500. After persisting in making three more, I realized that there was still no traffic, and slowly felt that short videos were not suitable for me.

Two or three years ago, it was normal to think like this, but now it seems a bit out of date.

By 2024, TikTok's users have reached 1 billion, and the daily active users have reached a staggering 920 million. With this terrifying number, how many creators are posting videos every day?

Therefore, it is difficult to achieve good results on TikTok today, but attracting a wave of like-minded people through this large volume is enough as long as you persist.

Let's first understand the concept of "probability," which is a concept we learned in elementary school. In fact, its application in life is very extensive and ubiquitous. For example, when you go out to play today and meet your ex-girlfriend, of course, this may be a very small probability, but it is still possible. Things based on the word "possible" have a certain probability of happening.

So, the same problem, if you explode with just a few videos at the beginning, this is a low probability event. Probability means that it may not happen, but the probability of it happening is very low.

Now that we understand probability, it is much easier to understand the platform. For example, with a newly registered account, as long as you post a video, the platform will first show this video to 200 people to watch. When this group of people performs corresponding actions such as liking, saving, following, and watching duration on your video, it is like giving your video a score. Based on the comprehensive score from these 200 people, the platform decides whether to continue allocating traffic to you. Of course, there is another situation where the users allocated to your video may not be interested, and the platform may either continue or stop allocating traffic. Therefore, maintaining update frequency and high-quality content on the platform is necessary, and the rest are just auxiliary means.

By now, I believe you have a bit of understanding about traffic, especially with the continuous influx of creators nowadays. As long as you persist in updating, you have already surpassed most people. However, as you surpass others, there will be people giving up and entering, and there will be others persisting in updating. When making videos, just endure, and you will already be successful.

Ownership of this post data is guaranteed by blockchain and smart contracts to the creator alone.