

AI Translation
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Permanent subscription node. There have always been friends asking how to use nodes, how to import, how to convert subscriptions, where to download. I am now releasing a complete tutorial and the necessary tool downloads (organized and typed for half a day, please give a like).

1. Enter the channel group to subscribe, get the subscription Clash node subscription link and copy it. 2. Node conversion (Clash client can skip this step), enter the channel group to convert, get the conversion tool website address, open the tool website, select basic mode, as shown in the picture: Paste the copied subscription link, select the client you are using (such as ssr), click to generate the subscription link (you can also generate a short link), the converted subscription link will be generated in the custom subscription bar, copy it. 3. Import the copied node into the client (tutorial attached below) Clash download address (Windows, Android) https://github.com/Z-Siqi/Clash-for-Windows_Chinese/releases ClashX download address (Mac) https://wwpu.lanzouy.com/iZkTf1e9itda (password: g8iz) IOS Shadowrocket download address and Apple ID shared account https://t.me/clbfxs/4513 Shadowrocket/小火箭 IOS Apple usage tutorial https://ccbaohe.com/swgj/478.html Clash for Android usage tutorial https://ccbaohe.com/swgj/592.html Clash for Windows usage tutorial https://ccbaohe.com/swgj/591.html ClashX for Mac usage tutorial https://telegra.ph/ClashX-for-Mac%E4%BD%BF%E7%94%A8%E6%95%99%E7%A8%8B-03-12 v2rayN Windows download address and detailed usage tutorial https://ccbaohe.com/swgj/479.html v2rayNG Android download address and detailed usage tutorial https://ccbaohe.com/swgj/590.html 圈X Quantumult X tutorial/configuration/rules https://whatshub.top/qxmanual https://whatshub.top/quantumultx 📮Submission 📢Channel 🗣Discussion Group 🏷Tags: #UsageTutorial #Tutorial #Proxy #SharedAccount #DownloadAddress #Node #Subscription #QuantumultX
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