

Backup Mix-Space to Onedrive

Since my most commonly used cloud storage service is Onedrive, and Mix-Space only provides backups to COS, I had to find another solution.

Mix-Space saves backups daily in the /data/mx-space/backup folder, so all that's needed is to backup this folder daily.

Here is an example of using RClone to backup Mix-Space to Onedrive:

Installation and Configuration:#

Install on Linux/macOS/BSD:

sudo -v ; curl https://rclone.org/install.sh | sudo bash

Create and configure Onedrive:

rclone config

Schedule to run daily at 12 PM#

mkdir /root/sh
vi /root/sh/mix-space-bak.sh

#Insert the following content:
/usr/bin/rclone sync /root/mix-space/core/data/mx-space/backup Onedrive-shiro:Shiroi_bak

# /root/mix-space/core/data/mx-space/backup is the local folder, Onedrive-shiro:Shiroi_bak is the path in the cloud storage.

chmod +x /root/sh/mix-space-bak.sh
crontab -e

#Add the following line:
0 12 * * * /root/sh/mix-space-bak.sh


The sh file needs to include a shebang line with your shell, in this case zsh. Additionally, after editing the sh file, make sure to give it executable permissions, otherwise it won't run automatically due to permission issues.


  1. https://rclone.org/onedrive/
  2. https://dev.to/itsbetma/automated-backups-with-cron-and-rclone-3do4

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